Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Continued Interest in Professional Athletes' California Workers' Comp Claims

The NFL and the NFLPA is in a world of hurt these days (pun intended).  With accusations flying that  NFL Coaches offered "injury bounties" and legal claims being filed alledging that the most popular professional sport in America did not do enough to provide for the safety of its forefathers, it is no wonder that my blawg post on professional athletes workers compensation has been one of my most read articles.  In that September 22, 2011 post, Attorney Greg Grinberg, writer and editor of WCDefenseCA, succinctly explained why California has become the popular go-to jurisdiction for professional athletes to file their worker's compensation claims. 

Attorney Grinberg has continued this discussion with a series of in depth blawg posts, which further explore this issue.  Today, he discussed the Seminal Case: Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund of the State of Maryland v. Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (2001) 66 Cal. Comp. Cases 923 (writ denied) involving Baltimore Colt Cleveland Crosby, which held that even though Crosby played only one game in California, he still was entitled to workers' comp. under California's labor code.  I encourage all readers who are interested in this subsection of professional sports law to head on over to WCDefenseCA, to participate, and to read Attorney Grinberg's "Visiting California for Workers' Comp" series. At the conclusion of his series, I plan on dedicating a post summing up Attorney Grinberg's posts while also providing my own opinions and interpretations regarding the issues he discusses.